This Portal is used for doing background verification check of the government employees who are due for Promotion.

Every Department of the J&K government gets their employee background verification checked, who are set to get promoted by forwarding its employee NOC form along with documents to the GAD (General Administration Department) who then refer it to ACB for Background verification.

The Process starts, when a government department submits NOC form of its employee along with the documents of the employee to GAD (General Administration Department) for verification checks.

After initial vetting of the NOC form by the GAD, the NOC form is forwarded to ACB for further Background verification checks.

NOC form moves from one desk (Designation) to another between GAD & ACB department, here an employee holding a particular desk writes remarks on the form and can either forward it to other desk or send it back to the desk where it came from.

At the end of the process NOC form is either Accepted or Rejected.

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