In this screen, Designation and Person that have been created earlier are assigned by selecting Designation and Person from the respective drop down menus.

Opening Designation-Person screen

Click on Designation-Person, on the Dashboard as shown below.



Once you click on Designation-Person, following screen will be displayed.

Here a Designation is assigned to a Person and the details can be updated (Edit/Delete).

            To Add new Designation, Click on Add new designation-Person



Once you click on Add new Designation button, the screen shown below will be displayed.

Various details that are required, include:

  • Selecting Designation and Person Name from the respective drop down menu.
  • Entering From Date (Date on which the Designation was assigned to the person).
  • Enter To Date (Date on which the tenure of the designation has completed for the person). To Date will appear once Has completed has been checked.
  • Has Completed term should be checked, once the Person is no longer associated with the Designation. On doing so, this designation will be available for assigning to other person.


                                           Note: A Person can be assigned multiple designation.                                        

Once all the details are entered, click on Save button.

Editing Designation-Person Details

To Edit Designation-Person:

  • Click on Edit Button,



  • You can update From date and Has completed Term.        

  • Click on Update button.



Deleting Designation-Person details

To Delete Designation-Person:

  • Click on Delete Button as shown below.


                         Note: Designation-Person which has initiated any action cannot be deleted.                                                               

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